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Paste your saved pin string into the text box:
Enter your script below. It must include a pinMatchesFightEvent function that returns true or false. You can read more about how to write scripts here: Intro to Scripts
Enter your expression below:
Validating... Warcraft Logs can check the syntax of your expression to make sure that it is valid:
Select all the event types that apply. If nothing is checked, any type will be allowed.
Source/Target Hostility: |
Damage Options: | |||
Healing Options: | |||
Aura Options: | |||||||
Only Match if Aura is on |
Resources Options: | ||
Match Resource Type: |
Select specific actors or abilities. By default, all actors and abilities will be allowed. Pets are included implicitly for sources but not for targets.
Actors: | All Actors | |||
Sources: | All Sources | |||
Targets: | All Targets | |||
Abilities: | All Abilities |
Connect a new query to this one using |
Pin Type: |
Sum and sort the results by |
Weight: |
Pin Preview:
You can do comparisons manually:
Or you can search for parses similar to yours using the options below:
Select Player: | |
Fight Length: | Limit the search to fights whose duration is within seconds of this fight. This value only applies to kills. |
Raid Size: | Limit the raid size to a difference of no more than players. |
Item Level: | Limit search to parses within item level(s) of the selected player (or the fight's average item level if a fight is selected). |
Time Range: | Limit search to parses that occurred within the last days. |
Select Metric: |
Slideshow Navigation |
No slide selected <0 / 0 > | Use the arrows to move through all of the events that matched the queries that you specified. |
00:00 / 10:00
Filters: PlayersPetsBossesNPCs
Speed: 0.5x1x2x
Features: EffectsMarkersIconsMetersVideoQueries
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