One Shot Crew is a reforming guild made by mythic raiders who have played together since Ny'alotha (BFA). We first entered mythic raiding during the Ny'alotha tier. But due to reasons outside of the game we ended up breaking up our original team. Now after years past and with new faces joining the raid team, it is our goal to get back to running at the mythic level of content for all tiers. But to commit to that goal we must first build our members up.
We raid Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 pm - 11:00pm est
We are open to all members raiders, casuals, farmers, and crafters alike to participate in this community as we push for progression. We invite you to our raids, streams, wipes, and laughs for The War Within.
Nurfy - Recruiting Officer - Bnet: NurFy#11548 - Discord: nrfy Skim - Guild Master - Bnet - Skimmeh#11268 - Discord: skimmehh Sinistirx - Recruiting Officer - Bnet: sinistirx#1291 Discord sinistirx.
One Shot Crew plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Thu | 01:00 | 3 hours |
Fri | 01:00 | 3 hours |
This data is based on One Shot Crew's recent reports.
One Shot Crew is recruiting!
What activities is One Shot Crew recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in One Shot Crew?